Box-sizing CSS property

31-05-22 02:44 PM Comment(s) By Senan

  • What is it?
    • A CSS property that tells the browser how to calculate the total width and height of an element.
  • How does it normally behave?
    • The default box-sizing behavior is the content-box.
    • If you were to set an element’s width to 100px, then the content-box width will be 100px.
    • Say you want to add padding-left: 7px. This value will be added to the width of the content-box, making the final rendered width 107px.

  • In what case would I need to use it?
    • Let’s say that for example, you have four divs each has width: 25%; of the parent container. 
    • You decide that you want to add a border or padding to anyone of the divs, what happens? 
    • They will no longer fit on one line, because now their total rendered width is more than that of the parent container, so what should you do now?
    • This is where the box-sizing property comes in. 
    • You simply set the property value to box-sizing, which then tells the browser that any added border or padding will be included in the total width of the element. 
  • Let’s take a look at a live example:
    • In picture number one, you can see that the width of the input exceeds the defined width of the div. This is because the default box-sizing behavior for this specific angular material component, is set to content-box. 

    • Now if you look at picture number two, you can see that this no longer happens, because we set the box-sizing property to border-box.


      Ta Da! We’re all done. Now you understand what the box-sizing property does.

      Article Contributed By :

      Alaa Elghazaly & Nour Hany

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